3d social

Socially useful 3d printing

By attending some social networks that deal with topics on 3D printing, it has often happened to me to read questions from other users on what is possible with a 3D printer. In some cases I have perceived, by these users, even a lot of skepticism about the potential of this tool, many assert that in the end we only make small playful objects, covers for smartphones and at most a few pieces for home or hobby use. With the sole pretense of suggesting that this is not exactly the case, I decided to create this section, where, thanks to the recent collaboration born with the Open BioMedical Initiative, I will publish testimonials on the real social impact that 3D printing can have

“Open BioMedical Initiative is a global non profit initiative for the realization and distribution of low cost, open source and 3D printable Biomedical Technologies. “

The strength of these few simple words is in their true message which, summarized, means sharing, collaboration, relocation, all referring to biomedical technology. OBM’s purpose is to bring, through 3D printing, to all those scenarios where, either for logistical reasons or for unfavorable political conditions, it is impossible to have adequate biomedical assistance and above all at low cost. OBM, sharing its projects, allows anyone with a 3d printer to create a neonatal incubator or prosthesis for a limb directly on site and thanks to the community, also support all new ideas that meet specific needs.

Open BioMedical Initiative is the concrete answer to the skepticism of those who do not believe in the possibilities offered by 3d printing and that of open source but above all it is a testimonial of the potential and social impact of this tool also used to help those who need it.

follow OBM on facebook or OpenBiomedical.

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